Amazon Prime Pantry

As a mom this is my new favorite! Time and convenience is everything to me. I recently discovered Amazon Prime, then I found some great deals for buying groceries on Prime Pantry.  I'll never go back to making grocery shopping a dreaded thing.

How does Prime Pantry work?
Prime members can shop for groceries and household items in any size package  (for example, a single box of cereal) with Prime Pantry.

Prime Pantry provides a great selection right at your finger tips and also provides great value with Weekly Deals and Coupons.

Is the shipping free? 
Yes, if you choose "no rush" shipping, instead of 2 day, you'll get a $5.99 credit added to your account.

Do I need to fill my box up 100%?
No! You can buy as much or as little as you'd like.

Time is everything. And just think if you can shave off an extra hour or more in your week off of grocery shopping, that's worth it! Or if you at home with the kids and don't feel like packing everyone up to make a grocery run! See why I love it? The convenience is great! Start shopping Prime Pantry today!

Check out the daily coupons by clicking below!